Workshop Design
Let’s combine all Vodelio® services , add users centred methods like Design Thinking or Appreciative Inquiry and get your workshops, events, projects more effective and visual.
You are looking for new ideas and you want to be coached and challenged in the preparation.
Vodelio® can help you find the best methods, the tools, but also co-create with you the complete storyboard of your event.
It goes from Retention Scan to Culture Fit game play and many more...

Artefact Creation
To carry out a playful and effective workshop or meeting it is important to have the good canvas, artifacts and games the ones that will make the process fluid and generate interest and curiosity. A effective meeting, a successful workshop, must be participative and must lead participants to learn, make discoveries, achieve concrete results and make decisions.
If the purpose of a workshop is often clear and motivated, how to approach it is at the heart of our customers’ expectations. The flow of a workshop must support its purpose and catch participants attention.
Vodelio® develops its own methodologies accompanied by tailored and tangible tools. Well of course digital is not foreign to us, but that’s another story … (
Discover, for example, our Diamond Team canvas and the selection cards for prioritizing ideas.
Vodelio® guides you in designing with you the tools you need and you will use autonomously and distribute to your teams.